Brazil Iron has completed a Feasibility Study based upon the following project configuration.
of green direct reduction grade pellet feed
of green direct reduction pellets
of hot briquetted iron (briquetted direct reduced iron)
The key to decarbonising steel production is the shift from coal-based blast furnaces to electric arc furnaces (EAFs), powered by renewable electricity. With the right feedstock, this approach can achieve zero carbon emissions. EAF’s can only be fed with scrap steel and direct reduced iron (DRI). There are 337mtpa of EAF capacity under development. Deficits in supply of both scrap steel and DRI are looming. By 2031, McKinsey Co. estimate the deficit in DRI to be 109mtpa. In order to deliver the required steel in a sustainable way, without emitting co2 into the atmosphere, substantially increased in sustainably production of DRI is required.
For those who didn't follow our post last week, we are starting a series called Vida sem Minação. The objective is to make people, in general, aware that mining activity is present in several areas of our lives. Some of them we didn't even imagine.
In this first text, let's understand that, without the mining activity, you wouldn't even be reading this information. Let's see:
Iron (Fe) – the most common and most used metal in the manufacture of smartphones (about 20% of the components have iron in their manufacture). It is present in the speakers, microphones and stainless steel housings. Aluminum (x) – in addition to being an option to steel, it is used to manufacture screen glass.Copper (Cu) – is used abundantly in electrical circuits.
These are just examples of the three most used metals in manufacturing a cell phone, as there are many others. As we said at the beginning, if there were no mining, you would not be able to consult social networks, send messages to friends or call relatives who live far away.Read more
The Brazil Iron Plan for the Recovery of Degraded Areas (PRAD) has surpassed the milestone of two thousand planted seedlings since its implementation. Nearly R$100,000 has been invested in restoring regions that currently lack vegetation and maintaining the preservation of natural resources.
With the acquisition of inputs and substrates to assist in the production of native seedlings from the company's nursery and reforestation efforts, the mining company has been carrying out plantations near the Mocó Mine. All species involved in this reforestation process are carefully selected to achieve ecological succession, conservation, and genetic biodiversity in the area.
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Brazil Iron recently initiated a fauna survey process in the region. This work, the largest and most comprehensive ever conducted in the area, will encompass the municipalities of Piatã, Abaíra, Jussiape, and Mucugê.
Several cameras that can capture images in extremely low light conditions have been installed in various locations. The equipment features technology that starts recording when movement occurs in the capture area.
This initiative will provide our environmental team with the necessary information to implement measures for protecting and caring for all the species inhabiting the region.
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The City Council of Jussiape received a team from Brazil Iron on Friday, the 19th, for a presentation on the activities carried out in the city. The work is in the research phase and includes the regions of Bicho, Contendas, Palmeiras, Lagoinhas, and Bananeira.
Representatives of the local population were able to gather more information, have their questions answered regarding the company's operations, and learn about all the environmental concerns and actions that are being and will be implemented by the mining company.
Just as we did in person, the company is extremely grateful for the opportunity to showcase its work and establish this partnership with the local public entities. We would like to reiterate that we will always be available whenever there is a need.
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News! Another way to connect with us! 👥✉️ Brazil Iron has created the Virtual Question and Suggestion Box as a way to listen and address the concerns of those living in the region!
Now, you can send your questions, doubts, and suggestions quickly and conveniently through our social media channels.
How to send your messages:
The channels are always open, and the space for questions in our Stories will be available every Tuesday. Send your question or suggestion and share this post so that more people can access these channels.
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The Falhado community hosted the 13th meeting of the Mocó Mine Development Monitoring Commission last week. The meeting took place at the Association of Horsemen in that locality, located in the rural area of Piatã.
The Environmental Impact Study and Environmental Impact Report (EIS/EIR) remained the main topic of discussion, and participants were able to gain a better understanding of the important aspects of this environmental protection mechanism. CAE members were able to inquire about the actions that the company has undertaken and will implement regarding this issue. It was also announced that maintenance work will be carried out on the Tabua road, aiming to improve the route.
The next meeting is scheduled for June 14th at the premises of the Community Association of Small and Mini Rural Producers in Bocaina and Tabua.
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The Monitoring Commission for the Mocó Mine Project will have its first meeting of the year in January. The conference will take place on the 25th Wednesday, at the building of the Community Association of Small and Mini Rural Producers of Bocaina and Tabua (ACPMPRBT). Some subjects are scheduled on the agenda, such as the presentation of Brazil Iron's new Environment manager and the updated air quality monitoring results. The Bebedouro spring recovery project and water quality results with photographic records will also be shown. You can find all the information on CAE meetings on all of Brazil Iron's communication channels.
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You must have already read, heard or witnessed several demonstrations trying to end mining activity. Unfortunately, these groups often convince the press, politicians and ordinary citizens. Nobody explains what would happen to our lives if there were no more iron ore extraction and other raw materials. In the coming weeks, we will bring examples of everyday situations that would permanently change if these activists were successful in their endeavours. Follow the series "Life Without Mining" on Brazil Iron's channels.
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A preview of the 2022 IBGE census released recently points out that the population of Piatã has surpassed the mark of 20 thousand inhabitants. Compared to the 2021 figures, the growth represents around 20%. According to the Institute, the municipality has 20,098 people, against 16,864 registered in the previous year. The advance is one of the largest among Bahian cities. According to figures revealed by the city hall, almost half of this amount comes from the rural area.
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With the arrival of November, we have the beginning of the Blue November campaign. Brazil Iron supports the cause and will carry out awareness activities throughout the month. The beginning of the activities took place with the employees of the maintenance sector, with clarifications on the subject. In 2011, the Institute launched Blue November in the country, inspired by the Australian Movember movement (Moustache/November, in free translation Mustache/November) and the international campaign Pink October for breast cancer. Even with the constant campaigns of prevention and alert for the accomplishment of tests that can detect prostate cancer at an early stage, many men with advanced age are still reluctant to follow the screening recommendations. Prostate cancer is the most common type among Brazilian men, second only to non-melanoma skin cancer. For the year 2022, Blue November brings back the motto #azultitude, intending to raise awareness among Brazilian men to have an attitude and be protagonists of their health and take care of it in an integral way. Win this fight before it starts. Early diagnosis saves lives. Be the hero of your health.
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On October 26, a Participatory Workshop was held with the residents of locations around the Mocó Minerário Complex. The objective was to raise the population's real needs and expectations concerning the enterprise and identify the potentialities of these communities. The data collected aims to support the "Program to Support the Development of Rural Productive Activities (PADA)" proposal, which will stimulate sustainable regional social and economic development. The meeting took place on the premises of the school building of the Rio das Conta Community, rural area of Piatã/BA. The members and alternate members of the Undertaking Monitoring Commission (CAE) of Mina Mocó and residents of the AID locations were present, invited by the members of the CAE. In all, the workshop had 28 participants.
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Speciality coffee produced by Antonio Rigno de Oliveira Filho at Fazenda Tijuco, champion of the Cup of Excellence 2022, the world's leading quality contest for the product. The 2002 vintage gave the family their fourth title in the competition, following 2009, 2014 and 2015 achievements. With a score of 91.41 points, out of a possible 100, the famous Chapada Diamantina brand won the event held by the Brazilian Association of Specialty Coffees (BSCA) in partnership with the Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency (ApexBrasil) and Alliance for Coffee Excellence (ACE). Among the top 10, six are from Piatã. The property Sítio Bonilha was in 2nd., Fazenda Gerais in 6th., Fazenda Divino Espírito Santo in 7th., Sítio São Sebastião in 9th. And Sítio Entre Vales in 10th.
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It took place last Wednesday, the 26th, and the 6th. meeting of the Mina Mocó Project Monitoring Commission. The meeting took place in the school building of the Rio das Contas Community and was attended by nominated members and representatives of the localities. On occasion, the results of the Air Quality Monitoring were presented to the assembly, and the scheduling of a guided tour of Brazil Iron's operation was discussed. There was also the collection of data that will subsidize the elaboration of the "Program to Support the Development of Rural Productive Activities", which we will talk about in more detail shortly. In November, instead of being held in one locality, the meeting will take the form of a visit by the titular and alternate members to Mina Mocó. Dates will be confirmed soon.
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Breast cancer occurs from an uncontrollable multiplication of abnormal cells resulting from genetic alterations, which can be hereditary or acquired. There are several types of breast cancer. Some evolve quickly, but most develop favourably when diagnosed and treated promptly. Created in the early 1990s in the United States, the Pink October movement emerged to raise awareness among the population of the importance of early diagnosis, control of breast cancer and protective measures against the disease, which is the type of cancer most common among women in the world and Brazil, after non-melanoma skin cancer. Brazil Iron supports this movement and carries out a series of activities throughout the month to raise awareness among employees and their families. Make your health a priority. A simple tap can save your life!
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Brazil Iron has several channels to communicate with you. We recently launched our new Instagram profile, all to keep you informed of all our activities. By Whatsapp, you can ask your questions and clear your doubts. Message (77) 98114-8222. On Facebook, you can access Brazil Iron Mineração LTDA or by our website Follow, like and share our channels.
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Our world-class iron ore deposits (itabirite) will be beneficiated using magnetic separation and flotation at the mine site. The process will produce a 68% Fe concentrate using 100% renewable electricity. Currently only 3% of the seaborne iron ore market reaches this high specification direct reduction quality.
The production of direct reduction green pellets and HBI will occur in the port complex using renewable electricity, green hydrogen and bio-methane.
Brazil Iron intend to become the first integrated producer of green pellet feed, pellets and HBI, with net-zero carbon emissions.
Building the world’s first net-zero carbon emission integrated green pellet feed, pellet and HBI operation. 100% renewable energy, green hydrogen and direct reduction iron ore.
Our goal is to become global leaders in decarbonising the iron and steel industry. We are uniquely positioned to develop a new VRO C02 operation, with all processes and logistics running on…